For foreign students

Students from outside of the EU

Unfortunately, if you come from outside of the EU, we cannot offer you a place on any of our courses. In order to study at a vocational education college in the Netherlands, you need a study visa if you come from a country outside of the European Union. Summa cannot help you with your study visa application as it is not a sponsor school for the IND (Immigratie- en Naturalisatiedienst van het Ministerie van Justitie). For further details please see this website: Ministry of Justice and Security website


Students from inside of the EU

If you come from inside of the EU, you don't need a study visa to study at a vocational education college in the Netherlands. You are welcome to come study with us.



To be able to follow an International course at Summa, you must meet certain pre-education requirements. These are different for each course. Check the course page to find the degree or transition certificate you need in order to register.

When can I be admitted to a course at Summa College?

Basically, anyone from 16 years of age can attend vocational training at our college. The admission conditions vary per course and level; check out the course of your choice. Once you have signed up, we will check if your pre-education is in line with the education you want to follow.

Command of Dutch language

The entire International course is taught in English, with the exception of the Summa International Engineering course, which is taught bilingually.

To successfully complete the course, you will be examined at Dutch level 3F, which compares to B2. However, to start the course you will need a command of the Dutch language at 2F (B1). If you are not at Dutch level 3F, we do offer limited support, but we strongly advise you to take extra lessons in Dutch during your studies, or to work for a Dutch company, etc.


Evaluation of non dutch diplomas

If you plan to study in the Netherlands, please enrol in time and have your diplomas evaluated if necessary. Read about the procedure at the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science website


Relevant financial facts

At the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science website you can also find everything about student finance, the student travel product and other relevant facts about studying in the Netherlands.



Following an internship is an important part of your education. As an international student it is highly advisable to complete an internship abroad. In addition to the classes you attend at school, you will start working with a company or institution for a certain period of time. This is the moment that you put everything you have learnt during your studies into practice. During an internship that fits your programme, you will learn the skills that are part of your future career. This helps you make a good transition from education to the labour market.

You will have an internship supervisor at school and a practical trainer at work. They help you do your internship. To complete your degree, you must complete your internship with a sufficient grade. In addition to the work you do at your internship, you also do assignments from an internship workbook.

Internships abroad

Doing one or more internships abroad is strongly advised for a student at Summa International.

  • If you plan on applying for an internship in Europe, you (once) may be eligible for an Erasmus+ scholarship. Erasmus students can intern at any European company they like. The internship will be entered into on a full-time basis (36 to 40 hours per week).
  • If you plan on interning outside Europe, you may be eligible for financial support from the Non EU Internship Fund, a special scholarship from Summa College. There is a maximum compensation of €1,000 for each internship.

For more information please contact



Housing in Eindhoven

If you wish to study in Eindhoven and you want to find somewhere to live in Eindhoven, you would do well to start househunting well in advance. Eindhoven is a real student city and therefore finding suitable accommodation is not easy. 

Finding a student room in Eindhoven

Going to study in Eindhoven and looking for a student room? Post a message on Facebook on the ‘Kamers gezocht/aangeboden’ or ‘Kamers, studio’s en appartementen te huur in Eindhoven’ pages. Also, ask friends, acquaintances and relatives in Eindhoven if they know of any rooms available for students. Note that there are websites offering rooms, for example, and Between them, these sites offer a wide variety of student rooms. You can also get a paid subscription from sites like, which promises to deliver housing options to your email.


If you need more privacy and/or space, you may want to register with a housing corporation such as VestideWooninc or Trudo. Depending on your present living situation and personal wishes, you may have to wait for some time for suitable accommodation to become available. You can register if you are 17 or older. During your quest for accommodation you may be able to stay at the The Social Hub Eindhoven for the time being. Private landlords in Eindhoven also offer houses for rent to students. However, the terms and  conditions are different. In some cases you need to pay a registration fee, and/or a deposit. Sometimes you have to pay a fee for the intermediary. 

Want to know more about living in Eindhoven? Visit the city of Eindhoven website.




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