Information about signing up
If you're a Dutch or a foreign student you can sign up for the school year 2025-2026 from October 15 2024 below.
If you meet the pre-education requirements of the programme you want to follow, you will be eligible for placement. After we check your application and pre-education, an introductory meeting follows. We then check if the programme really fits you and determine if a chance of success is real. Hopefully this is the case. If not or if you have any doubts, our study choice coaches can help you to consider your options (WhatsApp: +316 28 94 84 11 or call us: +3140 269 4444).
Sign up
After completing the registration form, foreign students can email the form to Helen Lapsley at
Admission Procedure
Before you can start on one of the Summa International study programmes you have to take part in an intake meeting. After this meeting you will receive a (binding) advice about your suitability for the programme. Check out the Admission Procedure.
Limited number of places
Most of our international programmes have a limited number of places. It is important to sign up as early as possible if you want to start the programme. You will then have a better chance of being able to start, provided you meet the admission requirements. It is also wise to sign up for another programme that suits you.
If you register and the number of eligible students has already been reached, you will be placed on a waiting list. If a place becomes available, it goes to the next student on the waiting list.
- Summa International Fashion has 28 places
- Summa International Metal Factory has 20 places
*The number might be subject to change before November.
Please contact Helen Lapsley at
Get in touch
Need help with your study choice?
Our study choice coaches are here to help you with all your questions about our courses during office hours.