Start school year

Welcome student! Here you will find everything you need to know about the start of your school year at Summa College.


Start school year

You can find your schedule in Mijn Summa (my Summa). Check back later if your schedule is not yet ready.

You have received your log-in details via mail. If you are going to study at Summa College for the first time, please change the password you have received to something personal for you. You do this via the password tool. Your personal Summa account will then be active.

Educational supplies

At you will find which educational supplies you need to purchase. The website is in Dutch. Log in with your school account (the Summa College email address). Using a different email address will cause problems with purchased licenses. After logging in, choose:
Locatie/sector: alle locaties
Afdeling/team: Your school name (without Summa)
Leerjaar: 1, 2, 3, or 4
Leerweg: bol or bbl
Naam opleiding: the name of the course you take in school year 2023-2024

You can also watch a video (in Dutch) about ordering with

Overview of supplies

An overview of the educational supplies (the list of learning materials with books and such) that you'll need for your study is provided on the website The list includes the total costs of your materials. If you prefer to buy your materials elsewhere, you are of course free to do so.

Do you have any questions?

Is your list of supplies not yet online? Leave your email address after clicking on your course. You will then receive a message as soon as the list is available.  

Do you have any questions about ordering your books or need help with your order? Visit the customer service page.

Do you have questions about your educational supplies and not about the ordering process? Please contact the school where you are registered. Click here for all contact details.

Please note!

Order your learning materials in a timely fashion to make sure you receive your books in time for the start of the school year. 

You can find the specifications that the laptop must meet for your course on the page 'Buying a laptop'. 

Do you have a question about these requirements? Please contact your school.

In Paradigit's Campusshop you can find the computer that suits your course, but of course you can also buy your laptop somewhere else.

In this way, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science and the House of Representatives want to reduce the tuition costs for underage students in mbo.

If you order educational resources for language, math and citizenship via, you will automatically receive a € 60 discount on the total amount. This is for school year 2024-2025 for all bol and bbl students born on or after September 1, 2006 and for school year 2025-2026 on or after September 1, 2007.

Contact & location

For contact and location information refer to this page

Administrative questions

For questions about your registration, learning materials (books and such), the start of the school year, and other subjects, you can contact the school where you are registered. This also applies to parents who cannot log in to the parent portal.

Technical Support
The answer to most technical questions can be found in the knowledge base (in Dutch). If you have questions about laptops and the required specifications, please see the 'Buying a laptop' page. You can also visit the  Campus shop. If you have other technical questions, please contact your school. Click here for an overview with all contact details.

Other educational matters
If you have any questions about other educational matters or need help with choosing your study, you can contact our study choice coaches. You can call them at +31 (0) 40 269 44 44WhatsApp with them or send them an email.

Also check the FAQs to see if you can find the answer to your question there.

Financial matters

The tuition fees are determined each year by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

For more information, visit the website of the central government.

If you would like to have an indication of the costs of the programme of your choice, go to the description of the programme.

In our guidelines tuition fees (pdf, in Dutch) you can read which costs are paid by the school and which you have to pay yourself.

On  DUO's website you will find more information about how and when to pay tuition fees. If, due to your financial situation, you or your family are unable to pay the tuition fees and additional study costs, you may be entitled to the Emergency Fund. Travel expenses are not reimbursed via the Emergency Fund.

To learn more about the Emergency Fund please contact

Mbo students following a full-time bol programme are entitled to travel expenses. With a 'Student travel product' you may travel for free or at a discount.

Read more on  DUO's website.

If you are 18 or older and follow a bol programme at mbo level, you may apply for student grants.

Read more:  DUO's website.


Yes, as a student of Summa College you will get an email address from school. This mailbox can be accessed via Microsoft Office 365.

Need help?

First take a look at the help page (in Dutch). If you need help after that, please contact your school. Click here for an overview with all contact details..

To view your schedule, results and messages, you can use the Eduarte Student app.

The Eduarte Student app shows your schedule and your results, you can call in sick and change your information. Download the Eduarte Student app via the Play Store of de Apple Store.

You can log in to multiple Summa College applications. For example My Summa, Canvas or your Summa e-mail.

You will find all options at (in Dutch).

As a Summa College student , you can install Office 365 free of charge on a maximum of 5 computers. This is valid until the end of your study course. You will find an explanation of the installation in this manual (in Dutch).

Buy software via Surfspot

You can buy cheap software via the Surfspot website. You can also do this using your Summa account.

You can find the specifications that the laptop must meet for your course on the page 'Buying a laptop'. 

Do you have a question about these requirements? Please contact your school.

In Paradigit's Campusshop you can find the computer that suits your course, but of course you can also buy your laptop somewhere else.

Do you have other questions? Please feel free to contact us.